Official website for Paul Fichera (Author)
An Adventure Through Time
Aiden, You’ve Been Very Bad
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Ann reached into her purse and handed the girl a business card: GET EVEN, LTD. “Don’t risk Jail, he’s not worth it. We’ll handle it.”
Crossing Cassandra
Some Folks Just Shouldn't be Messed With

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A playboy is offered the "best sex" of his life by a woman who offers him her daughter's phone number. He's terrible when it comes to his lack of respect for the female gender. And the woman, herself, as gorgeous as she is, has no interest in him. Will he take the bait? We'll see.
The Stellar Quest: A Subterranean Adventure
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In the year 2415, earth-dwelling humans do not live on the land anymore, but within "island cities," structures of metal and crystal, rising like giant mushrooms above the plains of Earth. Most never ever venture outdoors, employing instead, drone-like virtual reality devices to capture the experience for them, convinced that humanity's past environmental misdeeds must never be repeated. The Hagertons of New Allentown, Pa., however, have permission to do so, but their lives will never be the same again, not after father and son, Keith and Jeffrey Hagerton, go on a Sunday autumnal excursion to the long abandoned tourist stop, Crystal Cave, in the once upon a time land based town of Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
Kayelle's Return: A Sci-Fi at Christmastime
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Alex Preston and Ray Shivera, two students from the University of Miami, Florida are part of a college group on a summer archaeological tour of Peru, South America in 1986 with their very popular and well-like professor, Dr. Norman S. Sherman. The tour takes the group eventually to Nazca, Peru, and the lines of Nazca, made famous for being thought of as possible landing fields and symbolic markers for extraterrestrial visitors from other worlds. The Nazca Plain in fact stood as a curious strip of land the Inca Indians had used as a painter’s canvas upon which they had scribbled twisted patterns and lines into the hard red desert rock. From the ground the lines were meaningless, and as roads went nowhere. Yet from the air they formed patterns and shapes: a condor, a fish, a spider, a monkey. They were believed to have been etched by the Inca themselves, for their gods who they hoped would see them.
Yesterday's Child: An Adventure Through Time
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Michael DeAngelo was a gifted high school senior, with a girlfriend, and a life he hoped would bring him to MIT and finally to a career as an Aerospace Engineer. But then he met Melinda, a somewhat reclusive, but very pretty fellow senior that up until their final year in high school Michael never even knew existed. But she knew he did. And as I said, they met, and things just... took off from there, for the future, that is.. literally.
Angie's Revenge: A Tale of Many Lifetimes
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Danielle Tigerson one night discovers the existence of the multiverse, a reality that suggests her universe is but one timeline among many. And in another, she discovers the remains of a male version of her own lifetime, a parallel lifetime that until recently ran concurrently to her own. Angie's Revenge as such suggests elements of transsexualism, but it aims for far more; the story on one level imagines how a TG event might actually occur via multiple universe scenarios and higher realm intervention. Conceived in 1990 and updated in 2002 with a whole new ending, the story includes reincarnation-inspired revenge, parallel lifetime disclosures, rape, murder, higher consciousness discoveries. And more....
Ghostly hauntings invade the narrative as well, hinting at a tragic past that just can't be forgotten.The final reveal sections of the story, conceived years before alleged true story programs like "Paranormal Witness on "Syfy" and "My Haunted House" on "The Lifetime Movie Channel," might actually make people's hair stand on end.
Angie's Revenge in the 1990s in an earlier form received an honorable mention in a writing contest, from a now defunct outfit called Manuscripts International LDT. of Dayton, Washington.
Your Inner You
A Contest, A Win, An Opportunity. Only One Catch. You must be female. You're not.

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A women's lingerie company mails Keir Adrian Travaglini a catalogue invite addressed not to him but to Keira Travaglini. His girlfriend thinks it's hilarious, and starts purchasing items using Keir's mistaken name and his address. Keira wins a contest, a whirlwind extravaganza through the main tourist cities of Europe. "Keira" wins the contest; not "Keir." It sort of gets complicated from that point on.
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